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Choosing the Best Mortar for Blocks: A Guide for Infrabloc AAC Blocks

When it comes to constructing with Infrabloc AAC blocks, selecting the right mortar is crucial for achieving a strong and durable structure. The mortar you choose plays a vital role in ensuring proper adhesion, strength, and longevity of your construction project. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of mortar and help you determine the best mortar for Infrabloc AAC blocks.

  1. Cement Mortar: Cement mortar is a popular choice for block construction and is widely used in the industry. It consists of a mix of cement, sand, and water. Cement mortar offers excellent adhesion properties and provides the necessary strength for bonding Infrabloc AAC blocks together. Ensure you follow the recommended proportions specified by the manufacturer for optimal results.
  2. Lime Mortar: Lime mortar is a traditional and time-tested mortar option. It is composed of lime, sand, and water. Lime mortar offers better flexibility and breathability compared to cement mortar. It is suitable for historical buildings and regions prone to seismic activity. However, it is essential to consult with experts and follow the proper guidelines for using lime mortar with Infrabloc AAC blocks.
  3. Masonry Cement Mortar: Masonry cement mortar is a specially formulated mortar that combines cement, sand, and sometimes lime. It is designed for masonry applications, including block construction. Masonry cement mortar offers improved workability and strength, making it an excellent choice for Infrabloc AAC blocks. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to achieve the desired consistency and performance.
  4. Polymer-modified Mortar: Polymer-modified mortar is a modern mortar that incorporates polymers to enhance its properties. This type of mortar provides increased adhesion, flexibility, and water resistance. It is ideal for areas with temperature variations and where additional durability is desired. Polymer-modified mortar can be suitable for Infrabloc AAC block construction, but it is crucial to consult with the manufacturer for specific recommendations.
  5. Ready-mix Mortar: Ready-mix mortar offers convenience and time savings for construction projects. It comes pre-mixed and is available in various formulations suitable for different block types. Ready-mix mortar can be an efficient option for working with Infrabloc AAC blocks, ensuring consistent quality and eliminating the need for on-site mixing.


Choosing the best mortar for Infrabloc AAC blocks is essential to ensure a solid and long-lasting construction. Consider factors such as block type, project specifications, and environmental conditions when making your selection. Cement mortar, lime mortar, masonry cement mortar, polymer-modified mortar, and ready-mix mortar are all viable options, but it is crucial to consult with Infrabloc or industry experts for specific recommendations and guidelines.

By selecting the right mortar for your Infrabloc AAC block construction, you can achieve optimal adhesion, strength, and durability, resulting in a successful and reliable construction project.

Remember, for the best results, always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and consult with professionals experienced in working with Infrabloc AAC blocks.

#InfrablocAAC #ConstructionTips #BlockConstruction #MortarSelection #BuildingMaterials

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